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Print Prologue in Action
A behind the scenes look at the printing of Print Prologue Letterpress ed. 1 notebook covers in Houston, Texas.
Design: A Civil Fox / Printing: Workhorse Printmakers / Film: Adorable Creative
Previous Notebook Editions
Design with print in mind
We developed a web-based guide to help make the the first leap into the design of print projects easier, more thoughtful and productive. Use it at the beginning of a project or reference it throughout your process. Find out more in the outline below or get started.
Problem, idea,
vehicle, then design
The Print Prologue guide was developed to help at a very specific point in the design process—after you’ve identified your client’s problem, developed an idea and concept for solving the problem, and chosen the appropriate vehicle for communicating to the audience. If that vehicle is a small format print piece, it’s time to begin with Print Prologue.
Determine your production
method, now.
“The details make the design”
“The details are not the details; they make the product,” wrote Charles and Ray Eames. This is one of the most important philosophies in design. After determining your production method, the physical details of a piece that engage your audience's senses are to be considered next. First start with size.